In addition to his academic experience, Professor Stallworth has held various positions in the labor-management relations arena: Research Staff of the Communication Workers of America (1971); Labor Relations Representative with the Ford Motor Company (Dearborn, Michigan) (1968 to 1970); Labor-Management Field Examiner National Labor Relations Board (1972-1974); ad hoc mediator-fact finder with the New York State Public Employment Board (1975-1978); Board Member, Illinois State Judicial Classification Review Board (1988-91) and Board Member, Illinois Local Labor Relations Board (1984-1988). He is a member of the National Academy of Arbitrators (1986) and has served on the National Executive Board of the Industrial Relations Research Association (now called Labor and Employment Relations Association); he is a past President of the Society of Professionals in Dispute Resolution (SPIDR) (now Association for Conflict Resolution). He was a member of the National Labor-Management Task Force, American Arbitration Association (1998 – 2000) and co-chaired the ADR in the Work Place Committee (Track I) of the Society of Professional in Dispute Resolution. ACR (formerly SPIDR) is an international professional organization of dispute resolvers. Under SPIDR’s Law and Public Policy Committee (established by Dr. Stallworth), ACR published the “Guidelines and Safeguards for Designing and Implementing Integrated Conflict Management Systems” (2001) (Co-chairs Lamont E. Stallworth and Anne Gosline). Dr. Stallworth has also served on a national task force to examine the feasibility of promoting dispute resolution system design in the unionized setting. This task force was established by the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service and the Strauss Institute for Dispute Resolution at the School of Law, Pepperdine University.
Dr. Stallworth is listed on the arbitration and mediation panels of the American Arbitration Association, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service, the National Mediation Board. Mediation Research and Education Project, Boston Collaborative Law, LLC, the Center for Employment Relations, Illinois Educational Labor Relations Board and Illinois State Labor Relations Board. He also serves as a permanent arbitrator and grievance mediator on a number of private, public and federal sector arbitration and grievance mediation panels.
Dr. Stallworth is founder and chairman of the Center for Employment Dispute Resolution (CEDR), a not-for-profit ADR and public policy research organization. CEDR is also the program administrator of the ADR Consortium, a cooperative organization consisting of various ADR providers and individual workplace neutrals. Through the ADR Consortium, CEDR has established and administered EEO mediation programs in cooperation with the Illinois Human Rights Commission, and the District Offices of the EEOC in Chicago, St. Louis and Kansas City. CEDR was supported by an initial grant from the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation.
Dr. Stallworth, under the auspices of the Center for Employment Dispute Resolution and with the cooperation of the ADR Committee of the Federal District Court (N.D. IL), has designed and implemented mediation programs to resolve EEO lawsuits and police excessive and police misconduct lawsuits. The City of Chicago and County of Cook were the first government entities to agree to use this program.